Axonometric of proposal

Xhesika Bicaku

Mayfair Cinema is located within Knowlsey Council, alongside DerbyRoad, Huyton Village’s main high street, and has recently begun its regeneration initiative. A council hub has been suggested ,with a performing arts centre and a library at its core, to bring the community together. Mayfair cinema, constructed by Gray, Evans, and Crossley and opened in1937 , was formerly a hotspot for western movies, and was frequented by the Huyton community, with many inhabitants sharing fond recollections. However, this was cut short when it closed in the 1960s and was later reopened as a Boots Chemist, which today maintains theĀ  title.The goal of the regeneration is to preserve the old cinema’s heritage and history by paying homage to the existing structure and traditional elements.However, adapting the scheme to a contemporary and sustainable future is a primary concern as we progress toward a better society without losing old values.

Regeneration of Mayfair
Regeneration of Mayfair