Dream of Dorset: An Ecological Residence
The restriction to live within our four walls caused by the recent global pandemic affected the mental health of many around the world. Disconnecting us from the outside world, limiting us from nature and greenery. Furthermore, at a macro-level shrinking the
many aspects of a country’s economy, including the tourism industry and the UK, were not indifferent, as it drastically declined, especially during the first lockdown in March 2020.

Through the current ease of travel restriction, the proposal intends to provide an ecological residence and comprehend how nature with architecture may impact the well-being of individuals and potentially create a sense of community. Overall, enabling us to reconnect to nature and our loved ones on a deeper level, providing an opportunity to take a break from our recent rigid lives and a means of mental peace.

Hence, the research intends to investigate whether setting principles through the indication of potential design phases can promote the creation of a community through organic growth and via the integration of nature with architecture? Also, will the widespread
introduction of an ecological residence influence and increase the level of ecotourism
in the region?

Furthermore, the research hypothesis is that through the provision of an ecological residence, the level of tourism will potentially increase, which has fallen drastically due to Covid- 19, specifically in the form of ecotourism. Moreover, the implementation of integrating landscape and architecture will increase the level of well-being by providing an opportunity to experience nature and a sense of community. Thereby, this will potentially aid our mental health.

The synopsises of this thesis cover three main aspects firstly, the use of an organic form, depicting the organic architecture. This will allow individuals to connect to nature, and secondly, allow the exploration of the surrounding views from all angels while increasing the fluidity in materiality. Moreover, the integration of landscape and architecture will further increase the connection and relationship to nature.
Finally, the mixed building use will increase human activity and circulation, leading to efficient use of space and efficient cost.
Thesis Tutors
Dr Juliana Yat Shun
Thesis Critcs
Mr Jack Dunne
Mr Ian Jackson
Mr Brian
Special Mentions
Special mentions to Juliana and members of LSA