Studio Pen & Inc

Studio Pen & Inc

A studio exploring the balances to be found between social, sustainable and economic demands to create vibrant, happy and healthy places to live and love.

A thriving High street is a commercial hub providing local amenity, places for interaction and the exchange of ideas alongside moments of conviviality and community.

Its economic and social roles are the backbone of a town, strengthened by their historical characteristics that showcase the community identity.

High streets in many English towns were devastated by lockdown measures, social distancing, internet shopping and other restriction to social interaction during the pandemic.

Derby Road in Huyton village is the focus of our which we collaborated with Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council , Dr Fei Chen (research group Urban Form and Social Space); Architectural Emporium for its sustainable recovery.

In semester 1, students envisioned a micro-plan and a meanwhile proposal for the Signature High Street. Projects activated and celebrated providing either: a temporary, reusable solution to a current challenge ,an activator to test a specific need or a generator for a specific activity.

In semester 2, reflecting on this – students created a community hub with council interface on one of three high street sites . Sherbourne Square a Community Housing based hub, Mayfair Cinema site an Arts and Culture focussed hub or William Hill site a Health and Well-being based hub all reusing and renewing existing empty and formerly significant high street heritage.

The studio’s Fragile futures agenda focuses on a balance between social, environmental and economic factors creating vibrant healthy and happy places to live and love.

Its Liveable Cities challenge addresses inhabiting an urban place and what sustains it for communities to connect and thrive.

Projects celebrated interaction and conviviality after a time of isolation and bodily restriction. The macro of the bigger picture and the micro in the tiny observation.


Patrick Allan
Amira Al-Najjar
Charlotte Bailey
Amer Balan
Guyu Bao
Charlotte Bebb
Xhesika Bicaku
Monica Chen
Nihaad Choudhury
Donny Dailyda
Angela Duka
Duyo Egwudale
Sam Evans
Amna Farooq
Leontina Frunza

Qifeng Hou
Zoe Huang
Malak Ismail
Sunil Kim
Bettuel Mehdi
Harvey Munro
Som Phoeuk
Emma Smith
Yifan Su
Yiqun Tang
Bo Wang
Alex Wignall
Jingbo Zhang
Jingshu Zhang
Yuan Zhao

Studio Tutors

Sandy Britton LSA
Sarah Green Another A-!
Tony Lees D K architects
Giles Wheeldon Ian Chalk Architects
Dr Stuart Gee LSA

Special Thanks

Dr.Fei Chen
Architectural Emporium
Knowsley Metropolitan
Borough Council
Simon Cadle
Trevor Skempton
Dr.Hanmei Chen
Ardi Rexhepi
Rachel James
Sian Atherton
Luke Cooper
Simon Cadle
Dave King
Rowena Creagh
Avison Young
Holly Knight Parfitt
Molly Fitzpatrick