Pen and Inc


Student Galleries

Ideas for Huyton. A civic heart high street regeneration

Our Fragile Futures agenda focuses on social, environmental and economic balance creating vibrant, healthy and happy places where our Lived Experience, Liveable Cities challenge addresses inhabiting an urban place and sustaining it for communities to connect and thrive.

P&I projects are’ live’ and collaborative crafted in local situations focussing on place and people. We work with local stakeholders for experience of real-life scenario and impact. Social Environmental and Economic sustainability are key at macro and micro scales.

Huyton Village High Street Regeneration is our 2022 2023 project focus (in collaboration with Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council , Dr Fei Chen (Urban Form and Social Space); Architectural Emporium (begun in 2021)

In semester1 Students remodelled and crafted a disused high street postal sorting office and site into ‘a Place to Stay.‘ The value of ‘the stranger’ to a small town was explored alongside the place-making of hospitality and welcome as civic necessity and value.

In semester 2 The project envisions an integrated public transport ‘gateway’  – a residential tower and transport hub with 24 hour internal and external public realm. Proposals: connect Huyton’s historic train station to Huyton bus station and to Huyton high street; reinforce Huyton’s connection to Liverpool and Manchester and its community to each other; celebrate healthy green transport

Projects considered the concept of ‘civic-ness ‘ and were crafted in response to KMBC’s masterplan for Huyton to re-establish its status as civic and administrative heart of Knowsley.


Sandy Britton
Sarah Green
Tony Lees
Giles Wheeldon

With Stephen Graham, Yisi Liu.

Thank you to collaborators and guests

Dr Fei Chen
Luke Cooper
Knowsley metropolitan Borough Council
Trevor Skempton
Roger Stephenson


Sian Atherton, Simon Cadle, Luke Cooper, Dave Gilkes, Rachel James, Dave King, Ardi Rexhepi, Ernesto Valerio Thomas, Ilze Wolff.

March and Graduate Critics

Amira Al-Najjar, Sam Beckwith Flint, Xhesika Bicaku, Heather Coleman, Sam Beckwith Flint, Chetan Keradia, Sunil Kim, Christopher Wilson


Lucy Bone-Knell
Tom Burgess
Cheng Chang
Angel Chase
Rylan Churchill-Jones
Evie Cline
Katie Cooper
Gabrielle Dainty
Ai Dong
Georgia Elliot
Miashea Freitas- Gomes
Jiayi Gu
Luke Hay
Daniella Hudson

Gemma Humphray
Xinhe Jiang
Alex Li
Rosina McLean
Renee Ojikutu
Shixin Pei
Megan Pinfield
Jennifer Scott
Monika Servute
Jiaqi Sun
Anastazja Szczplek
Erin Taaffe
Jason Tai
Eleanor Ventress-Burke

Jacob Vestergaard
Zihan Wang
Caitlin Watson
Lauren Williams
Qianli Xing
Joshua Yan
Tongyu Yan
Zhenghao Yang
Yuxuan Yao
Xuexin Zhan
Haiyun Zheng
Yaran Zheng

Manchester Study trip, Mayfield Depot 

Manchester Study trip, Mayfield Depot 

Gateway models images, Rob Battersby

Gateway models images, Rob Battersby

Sketching Workshop Huyton

Sketching Workshop Huyton

Studio Pen and Inc outside Post Office, Huyton, October 2022

Studio Pen and Inc outside Post Office, Huyton, October 2022

Graffiti Heart, Huyton train station underpass, a civic heart ?

Graffiti Heart, Huyton train station underpass, a civic heart ?