“SideShow” is proposed waterfront music venue sitting adjacent to Princes Dock, just north-west of Liverpool city centre. The proposal sits alongside a small-scale hybrid tidal / hydro-electric power plant and is considerate of its architectural language and scale.
The venue is to have a capacity of 610 including an elevated seated area, large standing sections as well as wheelchair-allocated space. The venue houses a cloakroom, bar areas on both ground and first floor, private viewing bays and a two-tiered external terrace which faces the River Mersey.

The face of the building features a large overhang through which occupants of the first floor bar can glimpse the adjacent power station and Royal Liver Building. The unusual opening of the opening is designed to create dramatic lighting in the bar spaces.
“SideShow” is a play on the idea of a Merseyside Show, but also demonstrates a desire for the venue to platform radical, alternative and experimental artists and performances — from the “side” or fringes.
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