Module lead Johanna Muszbek
I. What? theme
*An original design thesis needs to be both experimental and rigorous, responding to
-an actual problem(s): Topical
-or by developing solution that anticipates certain problem(s): Speculative
The thematic investigations are led by one of our research groups:
1. Urban Form and Social Space (Katerina Antonopoulou, Francesca Piazzoni)
2. Archiam (Soumyen Bandyopadhyay, Mary Shepperson)
3. Pragmatic Theories (Marco Iuliano, James Jones)
4. Houselab (Johanna Muszbek, Rosa Urbano)
6. Ecological Narratives (Luca Csepely-Knorr, Joy Burgess, Juliana Yat Shun Keu)
II. How? method
In research by design, the experimental process is ensured by finding the right design tool(s). The design tool is a medium through which the thesis is represented and by which the discourse is constructed.
To develop a bespoke methodology, relevant to their chosen topic, students participated in a series of experimental workshops. Each workshop introduced a tool with a unique interdisciplinary approach to space-based research practices.
A. Film (Monika Koeck)
B. Body and Performance (Emma Hoette)
C. Visual Anthropology (Kata Soos)
D. GIS Cartographies: Data Visualisation ( Raul Perez)