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On the 17th of July 2023, the 2022-23 BA 3 and MArch cohort from the Liverpool School of Architecture graduated from the University of Liverpool. CLick the link to download your copies.

2023 Graduation Photos

Woman crouching on sandy beach in front of palm trees and mountains at sunset.

Hidden, forgotten, overlooked, or perhaps invisible – there are parts of the city that only a ‘local’ can ever know and appreciate. These are the ‘private domains’, side streets, and ignored neighbourhoods that seem to hold little attraction to the visitor, or remain ‘off-limits’ and ‘off-grid’. Equally, locals can become somewhat blinkered to the familiar and everyday, overlooking the novel, intriguing, and successful aspects of the environment they shape through their everyday lives. ‘Fresh eyes’ and a new perspective can spot these phenomena and identify what makes them special. The My City InVisible project set out to consider multiple understandings of ‘good’ and liveable cities.

My City Invisible

Interior of the Stirling gallery, steel frames with a pitched glass roof.


LSA End of Year Showcase 2023

View of a miniature set, a white plastic woman sits on bench wall of red paper with a wire sculpture in front of her

Winter School 2023

The Winter School, alternatively known as the Whole School Project, has a long history at Liverpool School of Architecture.  It offers students from all year groups and courses the opportunity to meet and work together on one of a number of simultaneous workshops.

Recent News

Interior view of building in stylised black, grey and white

End of Year Show 2022

Our first Hybrid exhibition, held at the Liverpool School of Architecture for the first time in 3 years as well as online, the End of Year Show was held between Friday 24th June – 19th July 2022.

Click here to explore the showcase of work from our graduating students in BA3 and MArch5.

A list of this years Prizewinners can be found here

Photographs from this years Graduation ceremony are available here

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